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Introducing our new guests, Manly Battleships!
Please welcome Manly Battleships to their first appearance at CloverCon! They will be presenting their game show Tame that Tune, and their panel Before an Unexpected Journey. Get more info here:
The full schedule of panels and activities will be released soon!
Cosplay Catwalk 2022!
Interested in participating in this year’s cosplay contest? Check out the Cosplay Catwalk page of our website for rules, categories, and information on registration and judging.
Charles Dunbar presents: “Mononoke Masters: Yokai in Art”
We are excited to announce that this year, Charles Dunbar will be returning and presenting his panel “Mononoke Masters: Yokai in Art” If you are interested in monsters or Japanese art or both, this is the panel for you! You can check out the description of his panel on our website: