Panels, Workshops, and other Events!

Full Schedule Below!

Featured Panels!

Jon Turner

40 Years of Nausicaä — A Timeless Classic  

Hayao Miyazaki’s post-apocalyptic tale of a princess struggling to maintain peace in a war-torn future was the director’s second feature — and a first in many ways. It was a major box office success. It was based on a story of his owncreation. And the team who helped bring Nausicaä to life would go on to become Miyazaki’s own colleagues. In celebration of its 40th anniversary, come learn about the stories behind this legendary masterpiece and why it was such an important cornerstone in Miyazaki’s career. No glider or breathing mask necessary. (Well maybe.)

You may have seen them walking around convention centers: these odd cosplayers wearing huge casted anime masks. Why would they wear one instead of practicing makeup? Well, I hope to answer this. Join me as I guide you through the history of those anime masks, why cosplayers use them, how one is made & acquired, & most importantly, what makes them so beautiful.

Mary McLaughlin

Care of Magical Creatures: Anime Addition

Despite years of studying biology, I never encountered a course on unicorns. Not once did a professor bring a dragon to class, and the only nymphs I saw were insects. In an effort to compensate for this obvious gap in my education, I’ve developed a crash course in magical creatures! The introductory lesson begins with Japan, with anime as our field guide. Learn proper kappa etiquette, techniques to avoid being spirited away and the many reasons to distrust tanuki.

Full Schedule!

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10-11 11:15-12:15 12:30-1:30 1:45-2:45 3-4 4:15-5
Gym Stage
Conference Room
Green Room
Yellow Room
Red Room
Game Roon (upstairs)

Tyler Barth

What’s with the Mask? A History of Kigurumi  

Manly Battleships

Gameshow Impossibru™: Tame That Tune!

The Manly Battleships® are proud to bring you their version of the classic song match game! Our melodic masters have assembled songs from big, small, and downright obscure media for your pleasure. Put your repertoire of knowledge up against the best we have to offer for the chance to win fabulous prizes!