A Little Post- Groundhog's Day Blog

Wow! Only 2 openings left for the Artist Alley before the Waiting List begins. Please send ASAP an email to us to ask if you made it to Artist Alley or will be put on the Waiting List.  

1st Dealer is Jersey Scott's Used Manga for his 2nd year! 

BTW April 1st is the deadline for all vendors at CloverCon!  No registrations will be accepted after the Deadline.

Expect more blog after the club's late February meeting.

-Betty “Sensei” Sommerville,

CloverCon event coordinator & main leader

*Additionally, if you signed up for an artists’ table and have not reached out to the con about finalizing either paperwork or payment, please reach out to us ASAP. There are several artists who have not given us information we need to finalize their spot. Double check that all your paperwork made it where it needs to go! (ó﹏ò。)


Update: The Artist Alley is full!!!!


Another year, another CloverCon!