Another year, another CloverCon!
Finally, the bits & pieces of CloverCon 2023 are done, so now it’s time for CloverCon 2024!
Although the Anime & Manga 4-H Club: Village Hidden in the Clovers meets year-round, we’re now focusing our collective brains on all things CloverCon, as we go into our 12th year of running a successful “fun”-raiser for both the Somerset County 4-H youth development program & our club. We love having it express a huge range of creativity galore!
Artist Alley is filling up fast with 25 of 32 tables. New to our con are 12 artists plus a photobooth!
Dealers’ Area is still waiting for 4 dealers to apply.
Pre-Registration for attendees offers half-price of $10 admission.
Guest List is growing with Adam Hennessey, Jaime Bonsignore, Jon Turner, Manly Battleships, & Tyler Barth. Their programs will be announced in a future blog besides on the Guest page or in the schedule on the website.
4-H Clubs involved:
Chinese Culture running the kitchen for Clover Café
Photobombers roaming the con for candid & posed photo ops
Role for Initiative: D&D running campaign(s) in the upstairs Game Room
Game On! helping with table top & video games in upstairs Game Room
Village Hidden in the Clovers running Pictionary with prizes, Manga Reading
Room, Anime Screening Room, Cosplay Catwalk Contest, Silent Auction, & a Drawing workshop
Labyrinth of inlaid pavers is located in the lawn north-east of the parking lot.
So, it begins. Look here & elsewhere on the website for more details as they also come into
focus. Welcome one & all to our wonderful multi-verse also known as CloverCon!
Betty “Sensei” Sommerville
CloverCon event coordinator & main leader