A Little Post- Groundhog's Day Blog
Wow! Only 2 openings left for the Artist Alley before the Waiting List begins. Please send ASAP an email to us to ask if you made it to Artist Alley or will be put on the Waiting List.
1st Dealer is Jersey Scott's Used Manga for his 2nd year!
BTW April 1st is the deadline for all vendors at CloverCon! No registrations will be accepted after the Deadline.
Expect more blog after the club's late February meeting.
-Betty “Sensei” Sommerville,
CloverCon event coordinator & main leader
*Additionally, if you signed up for an artists’ table and have not reached out to the con about finalizing either paperwork or payment, please reach out to us ASAP. There are several artists who have not given us information we need to finalize their spot. Double check that all your paperwork made it where it needs to go! (ó﹏ò。)
Another year, another CloverCon!
Finally, the bits & pieces of CloverCon 2023 are done, so now it’s time for CloverCon 2024!
Although the Anime & Manga 4-H Club: Village Hidden in the Clovers meets year-round, we’re now focusing our collective brains on all things CloverCon, as we go into our 12th year of running a successful “fun”-raiser for both the Somerset County 4-H youth development program & our club. We love having it express a huge range of creativity galore!
Artist Alley is filling up fast with 25 of 32 tables. New to our con are 12 artists plus a photobooth!
Dealers’ Area is still waiting for 4 dealers to apply.
Pre-Registration for attendees offers half-price of $10 admission.
Guest List is growing with Adam Hennessey, Jaime Bonsignore, Jon Turner, Manly Battleships, & Tyler Barth. Their programs will be announced in a future blog besides on the Guest page or in the schedule on the website.
4-H Clubs involved:
Chinese Culture running the kitchen for Clover Café
Photobombers roaming the con for candid & posed photo ops
Role for Initiative: D&D running campaign(s) in the upstairs Game Room
Game On! helping with table top & video games in upstairs Game Room
Village Hidden in the Clovers running Pictionary with prizes, Manga Reading
Room, Anime Screening Room, Cosplay Catwalk Contest, Silent Auction, & a Drawing workshop
Labyrinth of inlaid pavers is located in the lawn north-east of the parking lot.
So, it begins. Look here & elsewhere on the website for more details as they also come into
focus. Welcome one & all to our wonderful multi-verse also known as CloverCon!
Betty “Sensei” Sommerville
CloverCon event coordinator & main leader
Stay tuned for Clovercon 2024!
On Sunday, May 19, 2024, the Somerset County 4-H Anime & Manga Club also known as Village Hidden in the Clovers is hosting its 12th CloverCon! The Dealer and Artist registration will opening on Dec 1st, with a final deadline on April 1st. Stay tuned for future updates here and elsewhere on our website!